First Test Flight of Solar Impulse 2 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi, UAE, Feb 26th 2015: Solar Impulse 2 successfully accomplished the first test flight since the reassembly with the test pilot Markus Scherdel at the controls. Solar Impulse 2, the only solar single-seater airplane able to fly day and night without a drop of fuel, will attempt the First Round-The-World Solar Flight in early March 2015, departing from Abu Dhabi UAE. Swiss founders and pilots, Bertrand Piccard and AndrÈ Borschberg, hope to demonstrate how pioneering spirit, innovation and clean technologies can change the world. The duo will take turns flying Solar Impulse 2, changing at each stop and will fly over the Arabian Sea, to India, to Myanmar, to China, across the Pacific Ocean, to the United States, over the Atlantic Ocean to Southern Europe or Northern Africa before finfishing the journey by returning to the initial departure point. Landings will be made every few days to switch pilots and organize public events for governments, schools and universities.

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